Father Makarios, from tonsure to ordination.
On Tuesday night, January 16, the Eve of the Feast of the 70 Apostles, Riassaphore Monk Silouan was tonsured as Stavrophore Monk Makarios, taking the vows of the small schema. Then, the following Sunday morning, January 21, he was ordained to the Holy Diaconate by His Grace Bishop SAVA from New Gracanica, assisted by Archdeacon Milovan. The ordination coincided with the ordination to the Holy Priesthood of now Priest Turbo Qualls at St. Mary of Egypt Serbian Orthodox Church in Kansas City, MO. These days have been filled with the grace of God, the feast of the Theophany and the abundant grace of these apostolic ordinations. We all are so thankful to His Grace Bishop LONGIN who sent His Grace Bishop SAVA to perform these holy ordinations! Axios to Priest Turbo Qualls! Axios to Hierodeacon Makarios!